David Di has expertise in using both acupuncture and manual therapy to alleviate different symptoms and promote desired outcomes:
Injury and pain caused by exercise or long-term use of computers and mobile phones
Cervical spondylosis
Shoulder, elbow, wrist, knee, and ankle joint injuries
Headache, insomnia, acid reflux, fatigue, memory loss, depression, and concentration loss caused by work stress
Gastrointestinal dysfunction caused by diet, long-term constipation, and long-term diarrhea
Weight loss
Overcoming chloasma, acne, and fine lines on the face
Irregular menstruation in women and perimenopausal syndrome
Menopausal syndrome
Improving male sexual function and urinary problems
Improving the physical conditions of couples to increase the chance of fertility (A complete treatment cycle lasting from three to six months is recommended.)
Seasonal allergies, urticaria, eczema
Assisted rehabilitation of various chronic diseases
Functional recovery after stroke
Cancer symptom relief